Thursday, March 8, 2012

Scavenger Hunt

Today we participated in a totally rad photo scavenger hunt!

It was fun to get out of the classroom, but finding images that would capture the ideas that we were supposed to find. Finding a newspaper was easy, but finding a depiction of "similarities and differences" required some creativity. Taking the pictures and downloading them onto a computer turned out to be pretty easy. I've done that before many times. Also, changing the resolution was easy on the Mac (I've never tried it on a PC). Uploading the photos onto Picasa Web Albums was also seamless, however it took a while to figure out how to navigate through Picasa in order to get the embed code for the slide show. Google Presentation was a snap, since I could load my pics directly from Picasa. Embedding from Google Presentation was also much easier to figure out. I don't know that I would change anything about the assignment. As a social studies teacher, I could definitely simplify this assignment for students and have them create a slideshow of local landmarks or historical markers. As long as I give them plenty of guidance, I think my students will have a lot of fun AND learn something.

Here's a slideshow of the artifacts we found on our slideshow today:

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