Here's a little screen shot of my latest Inspiration project:
What went well/not well:
Overall, the software was very easy to use. At the suggestion of Chris Richeson, I used the outline function to start my diagram. This did make it easy to create the structure. From there it was a matter of changing the look. This is where I ran into a little bit of trouble, since my design skills are a bit rusty. But with a little guidance from Dr. O'Bannon, I managed to create a diagram that is fairly well organized.
What would you change:
I think the software is very user friendly. I messed around with the software a little before class, but I still found this to be a time-consuming project. I still don't know that I would change anything. Some things just take time to learn.
How do I plan to use it:
As a social studies teacher, I love charts and graphs. I can see myself using this tool all the time to create charts and diagrams for presentations. Also, this would make a great project for my students. For instance, I could have students create a diagram showing the checks and balances of the 3 branches of the government or diagram the flow of capital in the European Union. I don't think I would use it as a student project very often though. It is just a little too time-consuming for the uninitiated.
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