Tuesday, April 10, 2012

ActiveInspire/Promethean Board

Our latest project was to create an interactive whiteboard presentation using ActiveInspire software. I created a presentation on the build up to the Civil War and the Compromises of 1820 and 1850.

What went well/not well?
I found the ActiveInspire software very easy to use. The potential for interactivity is great, I only wish that I had more time to explore all of the features. Some of it seems a little gimmicky for high school students, but in general I think the interactivity could really improve some very dry History lessons. If anything did not go well it was only because of my poor eye for design and lack of time to fully explore the software.

What would you change?
I doubt that I would change anything. I only scratched the surface of ActiveInspire for this project. I don't think the software was too complicated to use, but I was glad to have the tutorial from Ginny Britt when getting started. For someone who is used to Powerpoint the interface was a little difficult to get used to.

How do you plan to use this with your students?
Interactive slides everyday! History teachers have to cover a lot of content every day. The interactive whiteboard will allow me to incorporate a little activity into some otherwise dry material. Of course, I was already planning to use plenty of pics and short audio or video clips, but this just gives me the ability to get my students moving and thinking.

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