Thursday, April 26, 2012


Our most ambitious project this semester was the creation of our own website using Google's platform. If you like, you can visit my site: Mr. Troupe's Classroom.

What went well/not well?
Being a google product, the web creation was straightforward, but not without its share of glitches. I found it difficult to get the text to format the way that I wanted it to. The choices for fonts and other design options were pretty limited, and I sometimes had trouble getting gadgets to work (like my Google slideshow from the Scavenger Hunt project). All that being said, it was remarkably easy to create a website...and FREE! The rubric and instructions made the structure of the website pretty clear.

What would  you change?
I don't know that I would change much with this assignment. I feel like the experience of creating the website was good, and having the website as an artifact is even better. It definitely felt productive.

How do you plan to use in practice?
I plan to use this website as a personal resource and as a showcase to potential employers of my technology skills. When I have a classroom of my own, I will link my school webpage to this website in order to give my students extra resources for the class. Now that I know how to create and edit on the web, I will continue to refine and expand the site to suit my future classrooms.

Class Evaluation:
I consider myself a reflective user of technology. I'm rarely an early adopter, but neither do I shun all new technology. That being said, I learned about a lot of new technology in this class, and even more so, I learned how to effectively use that technology in the classroom. I think the most valuable things going forward will be the resources that my fellow social studies teachers found, the website that I created, and the knowledge of how to use the interactive whiteboard. The class was a lot of work, and I think that things could be pared down a little to focus on the most important technologies and go a bit more in depth on those.

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